
Curriculum Vision

Moorpark Junior School curriculum is committed to providing an exciting personalised curriculum, which is centred around developing the individual pupil, with an emphasis on healthy minds, bodies and well-being. Rooted at the heart of our curriculum is language development. We ensure that pupils are immersed in a range of opportunities to develop their oracy skills with a particular focus on developing vocabulary. We place equal importance on academic developments and personal development.

Our curriculum, which is progressive, ensures that prior knowledge provides the anchor for future learning opportunities. Retrieval of knowledge and skills is a key component so that learning is embedded into long term memory. We are determined to ensure that our curriculum provides breadth, balance and depth for every learner across all areas of the curriculum.

Our curriculum fully enables the children to develop their cultural capital by fostering our values and bringing them to life! We hold dearly British Values and are proud to be British Citizens. Our curriculum develops the use of pupil voice and their ability to promote change.

Our curriculum is designed to be aspirational and to open up the world for them to explore. Children at Moorpark Junior School are empowered to achieve their dreams, we believe that everyone has the potential to be extraordinary. We develop growth mind set and a love of learning and the risks involved to ensure that children become resilient and confident and know how to manage their emotions when striving to achieve. Our curriculum enables the children to gain a common body of knowledge to which they are entitled to, set out within the National Curriculum.

Underpinning our curriculum and daily life is our Moorpark Promise to pupils. This promise sets out a wide range of developmentally appropriate experiences, that we firmly believe every child should experience as they grow up. These are integrated within our curriculum from year 3 – 6

Further information can be found in our subject specific information pages.