
Our School 

 Attendance is key here at Moorpark Junior School. We expect our children to maintain 97% attendance.

Why is attendance at school and punctuality important?

Because every second counts.

90% attendance may sound good. However, this is the equivalent of missing a half day of schooling EACH WEEK. If this continues over every five years a child spends at school, a child with 90% attendance will miss HALF A YEAR’S schooling.

A child with 80% attendance will lose A FULL YEAR of schooling over the same period.

  • Arriving 5 minutes late every day adds up to over 3 days lost each year
  • Arriving 15 minutes late every day is the same as being absent for 2 weeks a year
  • Arriving 30 minutes late every day is the same as being absent for 19 days a year